Achievement Scale Chart
Achievement Scale
Beginner A1
Use basic vocabulary and grammatical structures to introduce and talk about oneself in a basic level in written and spoken language; Can interact with a group of students using wh questions.
Reading & Writing
Demonstrate understanding of the main idea of short simple texts through basic reading strategies; Write simple sentences about familiar topics using general mechanics correctly in simple sentences;Use modals and briefly speak write about a familiar subject.
Listening & Speaking
Communicate about daily topics; Can ask and provide personal information; Ask and answer questions about personal routines and share data; Understand and use familiar everyday expressions, basic phrases, introduce oneself and others; Can interact given that the speaker speaks slowly and provides assistance.
Intermediate A2
Use adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions in sentences; Can conjugate verbs in the simple, progressive, perfect, and perfect progressive tenses; Correctly utilize phrasal verbs in common expressions, and make comparisons between objects.
Reading & Writing
Describe his/her environment and preferences using adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions; Write short basic descriptions of present and past activities while utilizing time expressions, Form compound sentences about his/her routine highlighting his/her likes and dislikes; Understand short simple narratives, regulations, and instructions; Understand simple information and scan simple texts and identify main idea.
Listening & Speaking
Understand sentences and frequently used expressions on familiar subjects; Can follow short, simple social conversation exchanges; Understand enough to respond to direct requests if expressed slowly; Describe his/her background, family, home country, work and daily routines using simple language. Express basic intentions using time markers; Compare quantities, ask for clarification, give compliments, encouragement, and basic advice.
High Intermediate B1
Can develop and deliver speeches; Can handle various situations and expressions encountered in real life; Comprehend the meanings and use of idiomatic expressions in conversations. Develop writing skills and reading strategies.
Reading & Writing
Can exhibit enhanced reading and comprehension skills; Able to write paragraphs, essays; Can re-tell a story and write compositions using and accurate grammar usage and vocabulary learned; Use writing techniques accurately including punctuation and capitalization; Able to edit for spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes.
Listening & Speaking
Has the ability to describe experiences, events, dreams and ambitions; Can deliver different types of presentations such as persuasive, narrative and descriptive. Can speak confidently before an audience.
Advanced B2
Can write structured compositions with a hook, thesis statement; topic sentences, and supporting details. Able to recognize parts of speech and order of events in a text; Understand inferences based on vocabulary, details, and abstract examples in a text. Understand meaning in idiomatic expressions and successfully utilize it to describe a situation; Give his/her opinion to everyday problems and discuss the possibilities in finding appropriate solutions.
Reading & Writing
Make simple inferences based on information in a short text; Distinguish between fact and opinion in common topics; Follow the chronological order of events; Recognize key information on an extended article; Write a detailed description of a person, place or object; Give advice including reasons. End an argument with a clear conclusion; Compare information using different sources; Write a structured text signaling main points and supporting details.
Listening & Speaking
Can understand most TV news and news articles relating to current events; Use irony to emphasize the speaker’s meaning; Can follow speech expressing unstructured ideas and an extended speech on an abstract or complex topic outside of their field ; Describe characteristics and personalities in some detail. Confidently exchange a wide range of information within their field; Suggest solutions to problems and talk about possibilities with precision.
Advanced Academics C1
Follow texts on unfamiliar topics and identify specific details; Write diverse texts using different writing methods to address different audiences and attain specific outcomes; Use advanced vocabulary and idiomatic expressions to support a point of view; Identify emotions and rhetorical devices in speech and writing; Respond to social issues using complex language and abstract scenarios to support a point of view.
Reading & Writing
Can understand puns, allusions, jokes, and idiomatic language;. Understand complex arguments in newspaper articles; Identify inferred meaning in linguistically complex texts; Identify examples that support a particular interpretation; Write essays using a combination of sources; Add complex text and vocabulary to enhance rhetoric; Edit text to make it clearer; Can smoothly switch between different writing styles using formal and informal language. Acquire the rudiments in gathering data and write a simple research.
Listening & Speaking
Understand abstract and complex topics. Recognize coherence and follow conversations and arguments on unfamiliar topics. Infer meaning, opinion, attitude in conversations between fluent speakers. Can confidently speak with different types of audiences; Understand double meaning of a word in a joke and recognize a wide range of idiomatic expressions.